I’ve had something on my mind all week and the more I think about it, the more FRUSTRATED I become.

HYPOCRISY. I’ve literally been going insane over this subject because I’ve just witnessed it to an extreme. Just thinking about it makes me livid and I resent the fact I’m clustered in with it. Don’t you dare put me in that category because I’m completely different. It’s called social responsibility and some are lacking.

I will not divulge any further because it is something I must work on for myself, but God damn it, I’m frustrated!

I’m currently in the Ninoy Aquino International airport in Manila and 1) I’m incredibly pleased that there is FREE WIFI and 2) sad that my time in The Philippines has come to an end. I’ve had some interesting experiences and seen incredible things. I’m sad to leave my cultural homeland (mostly because it means I have to go back to work & classes are going to start) but it’ll always have a special place in my heart. (Everyone go “Awwwww.”)

As soon as I reach LAX and make it back home, I’ll be posting blogs (With pictures this time) about what I’ve done here. Hopefully it will inspire you reading this to GO visit The Philippines or at least give you a travel bug.

Here’s a little taste of what I’ve seen. Beautiful, huh? And one more thing, if you ever make it out to a province area, I guarantee that you’ll breath in the freshest air of your life! (I kinda’ don’t want to go back to smog filled LA. Damn my love for LA.)



Source: AOL (It’s pretty spot on…but “worst” is kinda harsh…it’s the “worst” if your not a savvy traveler or gullible.)

While I’ve been here in Manila, my main mode of transportation has been taxis. My cousins think the buses and jeepneys are not safe for me. I’m not interested in riding a bus, but I’d love to ride a jeepney. (I received a firm NO on the matter because they said my parents would yell at them.)

Driving in Manila is a whole other matter. Imagine the drivers from San Diego cutting people off without signaling and LA’s traffic times 10 and through in some impatience and you have Manila! It’s seriously crazy here! Even though there are laws set in place, it’s not like anyone follows them. (What’s the point of having designated lanes and seat belts if no one cares.)

I find myself getting car sick everytime because 1) they drive really fast and 2) the weave in and out of lanes! My cousin keeps asking why I fall asleep when I’m in a cab, but I tell her I’m not sleeping, I’ve trying not to get sick from the motion.

Also, for those traveling in Manila, here are some general rules when riding in a taxi.

1) Make sure it has all the proper registration stickers and that they are visible. If not, DON’T get in.

2) You must pay the extra 10 pesos at the end. They are not trying to price gouge you. The price of gas is expensive and to compensate the drivers, the government passes a law requiring the payment of 10 pesos on top of the price.

3) Make sure they turn on the meter. The price is always based on the meter. If they don’t turn it on, get out of the cab because they are taking advantage of you.

4) There are some cab drivers who will try to take advantage of you when they know you are a foreigner. Today, my cousin and I were speaking in English in the cab and when we weren’t looking, he added an extra 40 pesos to the meter. (The cost to get from my cousin’s condo to Intramuros should only be 130 pesos. The driver from Intramuros made it 160 pesos. After some words were exchanged it changed back to 130.) So always be aware of the price and the driver’s hands!

Hopes this helps!

I’m currently in LAX waiting to get to my boarding terminal. I’m a little nervous because I’m traveling by myself, but I know I’ll be ok. (How do I know, I get off the plane and I get into my cousin’s car!) It’s been rather stressful though. The line to check in baggage is monstrously long (I’ll be posting pictures) and security is tight. I’m not looking forward to getting to my terminal since it means even MORE security checks. (Safety first, right?)

I’ll be periodically posting about my travel there. (Lots of food pictures, since I’m Filipino.) Look out for my complaints about my 16 hour flight! (Damn that stop over in Guam!)

I love to travel, but I hate getting ready to travel. (You all know what I’m talking about.) It’s the preparation that kills me. You seriously have to THINK about what you’re going to pack because, let’s face it, as much as you want to pack your whole closet and bathroom in your suitcase, it’s never going to happen.

I’m going to the Philippines so I need to pack appropriately. The problem is, I am a winter person. Majority of my closet consists of black clothes, pea coats, a plethora of sweaters, long sleeved shirts and jeans. (So you see my problem.) After much consultation with my brain, I decided my Threadless shirts would be my best bet. However, I have this nagging voice in the back of my head (which surprisingly enough sounds like my parents) saying, “You have to look nice! Bring dress shirts and no ripped jeans!”


Another problem, all my jeans are too long so most of the time, the bottoms end up ripped because I step on them. (I’m in college, who really cares anyway?) My sister on the other hand takes care of her jeans so she graciously loaned me a pair. (Or I took, sometimes I get confused.)

When it comes to bathroom products, that’s another story. With security as strict as it is now, I must turn to the internet to tell me what I am allowed to pack and in what fashion. Yes, it is a pain to do this. I’ve been traveling to the Philippines for years and it used to be a lot easier to pack, but I understand that all these rules were put in place for our safety. (Trust me, I love safety. A LOT. But I’m allowed to complain because I vote. The political scientist in me folks.) So what I’m not allowed to take in a water bottle or I am only allowed a certain amount of ounces, that must be packed in a sandwich bag should I decide to put it in my carry on. (Seriously, I’m not kidding, that’s really how it is.)

I hate the preparation, (I know it’s important!) but I wouldn’t ever give up the experience of traveling. It’s amazing to go to another country and experience a different lifestyle and culture that you’re used to. (I’m of Filipino heritage, but I grew up in America. Don’t get on my case!) I hope I have not discouraged any of you to not travel. Travel the world because you haven’t lived until you’ve explored a new place!

Disney has just released a new treaser trailer for their new animted movie: The Princess and the Frog. (Formaly The Frog Princess.) This will be Disney’s first 2-D animated movie since Home on the Range (2004) . The film will be an American fairy tale musical, set in New Orleans, during the 1920’s jazz age. Tiana, the main character, will be the Disney’s first black princess. The following is the teaser trailer.

I actually heard about this movie in 2007 when I was watching the Daily Show . Their take on Disney is spot on!

I’m very excited! I love Harry Potter and I’m happy to share with all of you the TRAILER for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Potter fans are rejoicing everywhere! (I’m jumping up and down with delight!) And don’t forget, this is coming out on IMAX! So be sure to enjoy the magic on the super big screen.

Also if you want to watch the trailer on better quality, then please click here.


Earlier this summer, I was a prisoner of summer school. One class was fun (Film), the other, not so fun (Politics). I literally would stay up all night compiling notes on Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Hobbes, etc. (Seriously, you name the theorist, I’ve read it.)

One day, after a brain melt down, a friend of mine, my sister and myself went to Borders to relax. (We do that.) My brain was in desperate need for something else to read (A book that didn’t contain the words, life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.) and my sister notices a book she thought I’d enjoy purely because the title had the word platypus. (I love odd animals!)

The book is titled: Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar… This is seriously one of the best books I’ve read in a while. For anyone who is interested in philosophy and its theories, it explains everything through jokes. There wasn’t a joke I didn’t laugh at in the book. It covers all ares of philosophy: metaphysics, logic, ethics, language, religion, basically, anything you can think of! (It was refreshing reading Machiavellian theories with a couple of jokes thrown in.)

I feel this is an interesting way to learn. I did a little digging to understand why the authors chose to teach this way. (Well, not a lot of digging, I just went to their website.) This how they explain it:

“The construction and payoff of jokes and the construction and payoff of philosophical concepts are made out of the same stuff. They tease the mind in the same ways…philosophy and jokes proceed from the same impulse: to confound our sense of the way things are, to flip our worlds upside down, and to ferret out hidden, often uncomfortable, truths about life. What the philosopher calls an insight, the gagster calls a zinger.”

Even if you don’t like philosophy, pick up the book because you can at least learn a couple of good jokes to tell your friends. I’m currently reading Aristotle and an Aardvark go to Washington… (another book written by these fabulous authors!) and I can’t put it down! I’ll tell you all about it when I’m done!